Harold Mabern's "I Remember Britt"
Harold Mabern's 'AON'
Harold Mabern's 'The Beehive'
Gary Thomas Transcription: Donna Lee
Stream of Consciousness: Music and Meaning
Analysis: 20/40 Hindsight
Ep. III Jon Di Fiore
Analysis: You Probably Thought This Would Be Fun
A Small Lesson From Mulgrew Miller
The JazzBros Podcast Ep. 1 Feat. John Petrucelli
John Kavanagh on Learning New Skills
Powerlifting Changed How I Practice Music
Donald Cerrone Doesn't Spar
Why Did I Really Start Lifting?
One Week With Zakir Hussain at Banff
First post: why am I starting a blog?
MUSIC, LIFTING, JIU JITSU, MISCELLANEOUSNathan HookJazz, Powerlifting, Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Books, Music, blog, blogging, podcast, fitness